We are open to any destination We have a modern 3 bedroom house with studio, conservatory and beautiful gardens. We like to keep our house neat and tidy and would treat your home in the same manner.
We have a 2009 Toyota Venza which could be included in the exchange.
Parksville/Qualicum is in central Vancouver Island. An area renowned for its numerous beaches.With its warm summers and mild winters it is a favourite retirement and resort destination for many N. Americans. Nanaimo, 2nd largest city on the island is 20 minutes drive away. Victoria, capital of BC is another 60 miles south. Vancouver is easily accessible by one of the many daily ferries.
If you enjoy skiing Mt. Washington is a one hour drive north.
For further information on the area go to www.parksvillequalicumbeach.com
We can send more photographs of our house, garden and the surrounding area.
We moved to the island from Ontario 9 years ago. Peter was a teacher with a Catholic School Board and Violet is an artist and avid gardener. We are non-smokers and have no pets
We enjoy meeting new people and visting new places. We will respond to all emails. Having just completed our second home exchange we are now ready for new adventures.